Hey welcome, today we're going up. Taking a look at the landscape from above. The view from 24,000 feet. What does this have to do with music Cody? Let me tell you... This is the big picture and how to see it. If you're serious about your music as a career, as a profession, then you might want to consider the overall picture of where you are, where you want to go and how to get there. This is called planning. "No $%^T Cody, I already know what planning is. " Do you really? well why then are you living day to day, paycheck to paycheck, with some nebulous dream of being a rockstar and no actual strategy for how you're going to accomplish that? With that little voice inside your head telling you that it's not possible, that you should go and get a 'real job'. It's time for a manifestation check my friend. Let's Zoom out - Looking at all aspects - 24000 - 12000 - 1000 - 100 - 10 - 1 Imagine for a second your goal, with you zooming out. Out from where you stand/sit. up to a view of your life from above. Start at the top - 24,000 feet up for today's example. This is where you see everything. what your vision looks like when it's done. Be as detailed as you can. This is called Casting your vision. 24,000 feet represents the long-term. could be 10 years, 25 years down the road from now, you decide, and ask yourself what your life looks like from that persepective. Next, we'll drop down to 12,000 feet. Here, we'll be looking at the halfway mark. What have you accomplished during that time-frame? what might your challenges look like? What obstacles have you overcome? Try to put yourself in the perspective of yourself x ammount of time in the future. We'll repeat the process again and again from these different elevations. You get the idea right? As we get lower and lower to ground level, we can start getting more and more specific about what's next, and more importantly, whats most important right now towards accomplishing our desires. Gauging the scope and time frame It's pretty much whatever works for you. The important thing is that you understand the big picture and what it means to you in relation to your vision. Everyone thinks a little bit differently. We all have our own processes that we have to go through, but as we gain clarity about the big picture, we become more adept at adapting to the specific details about what to do next in order to get there. Things Like how far ahead you're looking (your elevation) and what you're looking at can have a big impact on the path you walk at ground level. A few considerations In Your personal Life
In Your professional life
Next actions + how to get there If you're looking at each moment, and seeing the view from 1' all the time, simply living day to day or moment to moment, without considering your destination, or the implications of your actions, what kind of things might be out there to disrupt you? How will you spot them? If you're here, you might feel trapped. How many artists have I met who once had a dream, but failed to plan how to actually get there, and are now stuck in a job they hate because they listened to their mother-in-law and quit too soon - or continued laying blue-collar butt rock in a one horse town instead of making new connections and expanding their horizons. I sincerely hope this is not your tragectory. I'm grateful to you for taking the time in reading this article. I hope it helps you draw some insight. I'm not saying this is the only way, or a be-all-end-all approach for guaranteed success. Success is a mindset. It starts with what you believe, but once you do believe (in yourself and that your goals are possible) You will start discover that your overall vision is actually quite attainable, and in that, start to anticipate obstacles that may stand in the way. want to work together?If you read this article to the end and have questions, I'd like to invite you to reach out via the comments below, or feel free to send me an email via the contact form
Gene Media ProductionsCody Gene: Record Producer Music Methodology & Creative Lifestyle
August 2024