Starting with the easy thing or the hard thing? that's up to you to decide. I'd recommend knocking back the easiest tasks first, the ones that would take the least time to accomplish. The more difficult tasks might require some incubation time, new skillsets, or a network of friends to help you out. Do the workavoiding procrastination
Something is better than nothing It doesn't have to be perfect You'll get better with time See a door, open a door, you don't have to step through it right away. Check to see what's on the other side. If you see potential there, then start moving. the decision to take action - It starts with a choice. Remember the words we use in our own minds carry weight. The language we use in our internal dialoge affects our reality. No seriously. No more of this Someday i hope to ____. A better line of conversation is I am ____. These are called affirmations, and next time you catch yourself using language like hope, want, trying to, etc. Catch yourself and think about it for a moment. Are you trying to do something? or are you Doing it? going through the motions - Consistency of effort once you understand what you want, the next step is to follow through. How many artists I know don't do this. I was guilty of it myself. It's called Failure to launch syndrome. I get it, it's easier to just push your ambition aside and play some video games. Next thing you know it's 10 years later, and have to bust-ass to make up for lost time. If you're not doing something every day, start with 1 thing. If you're already doing something every-day, then start doing 3 things every day. It'll take dedication and preparation, but you can do it. Start Now. There are only so many hours in a day. How are you going to use them?Identifying problems |
Gene Media ProductionsCody Gene: Record Producer Music Methodology & Creative Lifestyle
November 2024